14 Mar 2022
Christine Retschlag
Management Rights Made Easy - Gold Coast Seminar
The accommodation industry gathered on the Gold Coast on March 12 to hear four experts unravel the mystery behind Management Rights.
The Management Rights Made Easy event was spearheaded by ResortBrokers’ Gold Coast team.
ResortBrokers’ Todd Warner, Paul Grant from Mike Phipps Finance, Tony Rossiter from Holmans Accountants, and Trent Pevy from Pevy Lawyers engaged, excited, and educated new buyers to this sector of the industry.
Meet Your Expert Panel
RESORTBROKERSTodd Warner is one of our Gold Coast management rights sales specialists. With Resort Brokers the market leader, he has handled many sales of both holiday and permanent complexes. Todd will provide current market insights and discuss where the best investment opportunities can be found. |
MIKE PHIPPS FINANCEMike Phipps is one of Australia’s foremost accommodation industry finance professionals, with over 30 years’ experience. Mike provides commentary on the state of the management rights industry and available finance options. You really will learn secrets the banks won’t tell you. |
HOLMANS ACCOUNTANTSTony Rossiter has conducted income verification reports for buyers on hundreds of management right businesses across Australia. Tony will provide the inside track on dissecting a profit and loss statement, as well as how to best structure your business. |
PEVY LAWYERSTrent Pevy acts for more new entrants to the management rights industry than any other lawyer. Trent will highlight the importance of specialist due diligence in purchasing, as well as sharing his top five pitfalls to avoid throughout the contract process and settling your business. |