ResortBrokers present to the market for the first time in 15 years, the Freehold Going Concern of a 17 room motel located in the vibrant regional town of St George, QLD. Having undergone major refurbishments in the last 4 years, this business has continued to grow a long list of regular repeat clientele. Surviving a long-standing drought and the early effects of Covid restrictions, the business has now settled back into its normal rhythm. The continued rainfall across the region has the agriculture sector abuzz and spending money readily. The tourism sector has been in full swing with a growing list of annual events supporting the healthy coach travel industry. First timers or investors alike will see the benefits of acquiring this asset. Successfully run under management for many years this business ticks all the right boxes.
Interested? Why not give Jason Vogler a call on 0427 431 213 or
Or... call Trudy Crooks on 0477 882 210 or